Month: February 2012
Everest Unclimbable Due to Climate Change?
The infamous Apa Sherpa, who has been on the top of Everest a record 21 times, and is now a global warming advocate, is on a trek of awareness in the Himalaya now to broadcast the message that Everest is melting, and the ensuing loose rock slides will soon make Everest unclimbable. Popular Science has…
International Everest Height Dispute
And while we’re on the topic of changing the height of Everest, this Times of India news story points to another dispute. In the border talks between Nepal and China, scheduled for earlier this month but postponed at the last moment at Nepal’s request , the height of Everest was one of the issues on…
How much does it cost to climb Mount Everest?
How much does it cost to climb Mount Everest? (Outside Magazine) I saw this article referred to in a couple blogs and news services (Time Magazine), and had to read it. Very interesting to say the least. I’ve been on the edge of an Everest expedition for a few years now, since just after Kili…
How tall is Everest Now?
As if the recent measurement projects weren’t enough, now there’s an attempt to remeasure Everest using modern technology, and it’s presumed that it’s actually a few meters higher than we thought. Using GEOID – or a supposedly more accurate way to locate Sea Level, or 0′ for that exact location on Earth – this team…
Australian Moms on Everest
Two Aussie women, both moms in their mid-fifties are headed to Everest together and could set a couple Australian records, including oldest Australian woman to climb Everest. The article also points out that the women are paying their own way, and not relying on income from the charity they’re affiliated with. Story HERE On the…
How tall is Aconcagua now?
Recently I read an article pointing out that Aconcagua, being in an area along the Chile/Argentina border with very high seismic activity that generally has caused many of the nearby peaks to gain elevation, is probably higher than the currently accepted height of 6,962 meters (22,841 ft), which is somewhat higher than the last official…
7 year old Indonesian on Seven Summits Quest?
I read this story recently about a 7 year old Indonesian boy who will be attempting Elbrus this July hoping to summit on July 23, National Children’s day with a follow-up Climb in November of Island Peak, a 6,000 meter mountain in the Himalayas near Everest normally used as a testing ground for the ability…
What’s up with Prince Harry and Everest?
If you’ve been watching the news, you would have heard an announcement in January that based on the relative success of his North Pole adventure with one of his favorite charities, Prince Harry was intending to walk with Walk with the Wounded to the top, or at least Base Camp, of Everest this year. Source:…