I began in my youth by reading the Dick Bass account of the Seven Summits, and kept it as a childhood fantasy, evolving into an adult fantasy. Through my young adult years, raising a number of families, detouring through a few career paths, I suddenly found myself a fat old out-of-shape man.
My wife awesomely suggested I pursue my desire to climb, and I learned to climb ice, then rock, did some glacier training, and discovered I was more out of shape than I thought, resulting in my training very hard and changing my diet quite a bit, eventually losing 50 lb (from 235 to 185 lb).
Somehow, in the middle of all that, she nudged me toward the Seven Summits. While it’s been a very difficult road, and I have only one down so far, I’ve had a lot of fun, learned a lot about myself, became much more fit and healthy, and have a bunch of stories and pictures.
I hope you enjoy my sharing some with you.